Spotted in the wild today in Toronto

While walking along St. Clair, what should I see but the new TTC low-floor, high capacity streetcar/LRT:


That picture doesn’t exactly give you a sense of how much more train-like these bad boys are. Here’s a different angle:


Okay, maybe not super-interesting for everyone, especially if you don’t live at the Centre of the Universe. Nevertheless, I think many people across the country are very frustrated by the collective paralysis that seems to have descending upon the nation — our seeming incapacity to do anything about any of the major collective action problems that we are confronting, from environmental protection, to pharmacare, to transportation. So it’s nice to see, every once in a while, something actually improve in the public sector.

Incidentally, they were built by Bombardier, in Thunder Bay (something that Rob Ford complained a lot about, but I can’t get too upset by).

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