A mystery solved

Lately a road crew has been mucking around the gravel road out in front of my place. Not quite clear what they’re doing. A bit of regrading on the side, deepening the ditches:


It’s weird though, they show up maybe once a week, put in a couple of hours of work, then disappear again. They’ve been at it for around two months, and have done about a kilometer of road.  Here they’ve regraded the hill by the side of the road… not sure why. So the snowploughs can clear better?


Weird stuff. Oh look, they replaced a culvert. I guess that’s kind of useful:


All of this seems totally unnecessary. And why is it taking them so long?

Oh, right:


Conservative riding. Thanks Kellie!


A mystery solved — 2 Comments

  1. All government advertising is supposed to stop once the writ is dropped. I guess nobody will mind if you take a jackhammer (a la Denis Coderre) to the sign posts.