About Vasiliki Bednar

Vasiliki (Vass) Bednar is an Action Canada Fellow and the Associate Director of the Cities research program at the University of Toronto's Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management. She was previously a senior advisor to the Ontario government of Kathleen Wynne and is active in public policy debates as a member of the Banff Forum, Equal Voice, Better Budgets Toronto and board member of the Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs. She holds her Master of Public Policy from the School of Public Policy & Governance at U of T and is a graduate of McMaster's unique Arts & Science Program.

Price Point Public Policy

The Wal-Mart-ification of Public Services

Our childcare fantasies for this country are pocketbook politics at their most distorted.

Currently, monthly childcare fees at licensed non-profit centres can be as high as $1600/month. They vary widely depending on the geography and age of the child. The service is on par with rent and tend to bite new parents in the butt.

In response to steep fees (by the way, can we call it “tuition”?) it seems that many Canadians have decided that parents should pay about a quarter of the going rate while the rest of us generously pick up the tab. The thing is, no part of the $15/day childcare “movement” makes an effort to elaborate on the fine print of that bargain. Though market demand far exceeds the present supply of spaces, the current and would-be users of childcare services are pressing for a super discounted price. As presented, their appeal does not make sense.Continue reading